
Lead Generation Using Cold Calling And Google Search

Generating leads for your business to a high standard now stands at the top of priorities in order to succeed. In this blog, we look at how you can use Google Search along with Cold Calling to come up with a well-fleshed out lead generation strategy.
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How Agile Methodology Plays a Pivotal Role in Software Development

Agile methodology is at the forefront of contemporary software development techniques as a framework that encourages adaptability, teamwork, and customer satisfaction. This blog explores the core ideas, advantages of the Agile methodology.
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Reasons to Choose Tailwind CSS Over Other CSS Frameworks

Discover why Tailwind CSS stands out among CSS frameworks. Its utility-first approach, flexibility, customization options, and minimal learning curve make it a top choice for developers seeking efficient styling solutions.
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Top Trends in the IT Service Industry in 2024

Discover the latest IT Service Industry trends shaping 2024. Stay ahead with insights on emerging technologies, SAAS, Freelance and Gig Workers, AI integration, and more.
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Top Industries to Start a Business in 2024

From traditional domains to emerging fields, we'll navigate through the top 10 fastest-growing industries for 2024, giving you an overview to make an educated decision.
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How To Get Product-Led Growth For Your SAAS Startup

Most SAAS companies have a landing page with product features, pricing, success stories, and CTA buttons to get in touch. Let's check out how to get product-led growth for your SAAS startup
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Top Newsletter Picks for Startup Entrepreneurs in 2024

Newsletters can be informational for entrepreneurs if you know which ones to subscribe to. Here is a list of the best newsletters startup entrepreneurs should subscribe to.
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Top Generative AI Startups in Kerala

Kerala is home to numerous AI startups in Kochi and other regions, pushing the boundaries of innovation. Here's a look at the top generative AI startups in Kerala that are making significant strides in the industry.
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Top Generative AI Startups in India

India is seeing a surge in new and exciting companies in the field of generative AI. Let's dive into the stories of these companies and see what makes them so special.
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Best Generative AI Tools for Game Designers

When we speak of AI, or artificial intelligence, in game development, we're referring to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems. Let’s get into the powerful AI generative tools for game designers in 2023.
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Top Web Apps Done in Flutter 2023

Fast forward to 2023, and the portfolio of top famous web apps built with the Flutter framework stands as a testament to its unmatched prowess. This section will explore a list of web apps built with Flutter in 2023.
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How to Implement In-App Purchase in Flutter

In-app purchases (IAPs) in Flutter refer to the built-in capability to sell digital goods or services within your app. In this expansive guide, we will provide you with the know-how to monetize your app effectively.
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What is Widget in Flutter

Flutter enables developers to create high-performance, visually appealing, and responsive apps for Android and iOS platforms. One of the key features of Flutter is its use of widgets. In this blog, we will explore Flutter widgets in detail.
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Flutter vs. React Native in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of app development, choosing the right framework can feel like navigating a maze. Flutter vs. React Native in 2023:Which one is better? This article aims to shed light on this topic, providing insight to help you make a decision.
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Best Animation Tools for Game Designers in 2023

Animation is becoming more favorable when it comes to designing content. Are you looking for helpful tools to create animated games? Here we are presenting a list of the best animation tools for game designers.
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Best Fitness Apps in India

Nowadays people are more concerned about their fitness and hence fitness apps have gained importance in daily life. We take you to the best fitness apps in India in 2023.
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Best Upskilling Apps in India

To upskill yourself became the need of the generation, and nowadays many apps are there to enhance your skills, Let's check out the best upskilling apps in India that you can try.
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Best Programming Languages for Game Development

If you want to create AAA games, you need to use C++ or C#, but if you want to create Android games, maybe Java is the best choice. If you're unsure which to use, look closely at our blog.
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Top Payment Gateway Options in India Approved by RBI

Which are the top payment gateway options in india approved by RBI? Let's dive into the newly rolled RBI guidelines and their impact, along with the list of the best Indian payment gateways of 2023.
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What are the Top Skills of a Flutter Developer in 2024

When organizations look to hire Flutter app developers in 2024, they are looking for visionaries who can harness the power of Flutter's heritage and exciting future to build disruptive digital solutions.
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Top Apps Made with Flutter in India

Have you ever had a question in your head thinking, What popular apps use Flutter? Zartek here unravels the top apps made with Flutter in 2024 in this blog.
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Benefits of Creating Test Cases for Mobile App Development

In the modern era, test cases are significant for developing quality mobile apps. In this blog, we are mainly focusing on the benefits of creating test cases for mobile app development and why the test cases are important for delivering mobile apps.
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How to Write Tests in Cucumber Using ChatGPT

With the help of ChatGPT, an AI language model, writing tests in Cucumber becomes even more intuitive and streamlined. This article will guide you through the process of leveraging ChatGPT to write tests in Cucumber effectively.
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What is Functional Specification Document?

A functional specification document, an FS document, or a functional requirement document, will help your team sail through different stages. Let's check out about FSD in detail.
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Benefits of Using Bagisto to Build an E-Commerce Platform

If you want to build your e-commerce website, Bagisto provides everything you need to start and scale your business.
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Best AI Testing Tools for Web Apps

In today's technological world, web applications powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more common. However, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of integrated AI models in web applications presents unique challenges.
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How to Implement Animation in React

Adding animations to your web applications can significantly enhance the user experience by making your application more dynamic and interactive.
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Women-led Startups in Kerala in 2023

This age witnesses the rise of many women-led startups in Kerala. We have compiled a list of women-led startups leading the charge in the startup world in 2023, and here are some of them!
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Best Travel Apps in India

In making your trips easier, travel apps play a vital role and here you can find the best travel apps in India you must have on your phone.
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How is YouTube Challenging Edtech Companies

Youtube has now become an encyclopedia of everything and anything informative. What does this mean for the future of learning, and how does it actually challenge ed-tech companies? Read on to find out!
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How to Best Use WhatsApp for Your Startup

WhatsApp Business has found just the right balance between being personal and not intrusive and thus can do wonders for your startup if utilized well. We've put together these tips for using WhatsApp to grow your business.
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Top 10 Ways to Use ChatGPT 4 for Startups

How chatgpt 4 can transform your startup into a success. Check out the tips to use chatgpt 4 for startups.
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Best Regional OTT Platforms in India

Put aside those mainstream options for your next movie night and swap them out for regional OTT platforms that provide you with a top-notch viewing experience, be it Malayalam, Tamil, and whatnot! Let's check out the best regional ott platforms in India.
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Top UI & UX Studios In India

Worried about choosing the right ones for your business or simply want to peruse through designs that soothe your soul? We’ve got you covered! Check out our picks for the top UI and UX studios in India.
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Best Car Rental Apps in Kerala

Planning a trip to Kerala? God's Own Country might just be on every traveller's bucket list. Check out our picks for the best car rental apps in Kerala!
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Best Car Rental Apps in India

Planning to go on a trip but sceptical of your ride? Self-drive car rental apps have revolutionized the way we travel. Here’s our pick on the top car rental apps in India that are admired by travelers and families alike.
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Best Cities in India to Launch Your Startup

With the culture being so diverse, almost every city has its own perks, and there’s no shortage of cities in India for launching a startup. However, some cities just fit the bill, and here’s our pick on the top cities to launch your business in!
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What is BharOS and Why does it Matter?

Taking a deep dive into all that we know about the operating system BharOS so far—what it's capable of and how it can serve India for the foreseeable future.
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Startups That Can Go from Gazelles to Unicorns in 2023

Startup culture in India is seeing quite a peak, and the tide is still rising, thanks to the hearty welcome offered by Indians. Read more about gazelles that could become unicorns in the coming years.
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Top 6 Tips to Create an Ed-Tech Startup

E-learning platforms have turned out to be the most profitable startups in 2022, and this is only a head start compared to what’s on the way for them in 2023. Lets check out the tips to create an edtech startup in 2023.
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Best Startup Events in India for 2023

As India's start-up dream is not limited to cities, a large number of startup and entrepreneurship events are conducted every year.
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What is Digital Rupee and How Does it Work?

A 101 guide to the Digital Rupee, its working when compared to that of physical currency, how different is it from crypto, whether it'll complement the existing UPI method.
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ONDC - How Does it Work and What is its Impact on Startups?

ONDC is India’s strategy to take eCommerce giants such as Amazon and Flipkart head-on. If you are wondering "what is ONDC and how does it work?" continue reading.
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Best Tools To Manage Remote Developers in 2022

Today, businesses are looking for remote talent to come and work from anywhere in the world. Remote employees help companies operate faster and with more flexibility. With remote employees, a company doesn't have to worry about fitting someone into their
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How Telemedicine Solutions can Improve Rural Healthcare in India

Telemedicine is an emerging field in healthcare that uses telecommunication technologies to share medical data and video conferencing to deliver healthcare services remotely.
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Best Places to Hire Dedicated Developers

Hiring a dedicated developer for a company can bring a lot of change in the flexibility and agility of the organization.
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Best Game Studios in India in 2023

The gaming industry is predicting a quantum leap in the near future. It has always been on a growth track for the past couple of decades.
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Tips to Improve the UX of your Mobile Apps

UX of a mobile app involves everything that affects a user’s perception and interaction with your product. In this post, our goal is to outline a few tips to improve the user experience of a mobile app.
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Role of Product Manager in Mobile App Development

Main responsibility of a product manager is planning. He also acts as a buffer between the mobile app development team and other functional departments in an organization. Lets check other roles of product manager.
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Best Apps in India to Start Investing

The share market has always been a risky arena. Investors had to be cautious to avoid burning their hands.
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Best Telemedicine Apps in India

Telemedicine is one of the most important advancements that helped a majority of the population during the unprecedented times of the pandemic.
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How Does Meesho And Other Social Ecommerce Apps Work

Meesho, with an estimated value of around USD 5 billion, has become a super successful e-commerce venture. They became one of the top players in online shopping during the onset of the pandemic.
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How To Find The Product - Market Fit For Your Startup

One of the most important goals for a startup is to achieve product-market fit, but it is also one of the most misunderstood concepts. Many businesses fail because they waste money on products that no one wants.
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Apps with the best UI & UX in India

Mobile apps that engaged users with brilliant UIs and optimal UX could gain acceptance and garner extensive reach. The top Indian apps with the best UI/UX are discussed here to offer you a broad perspective on what works and what doesn’t.
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Major Benefits of E-Learning Platforms

The education sector has evolved significantly over the years. The introduction of new pedagogical methods and the induction of new streams have transformed the way knowledge is imparted.
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How to Add Animations in Flutter

Flutter's animation support makes it easy to implement a variety of animation types. There are different approaches you can take when creating animations on Flutter. Let's check.
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Flutter VS PWA: Which is better For Mobile App Development

At first, it would be a bit confusing while trying to understand the difference between these two technologies—Progressive Web App and Flutter apps. Let’s compare them.
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Top Startups in Kochi

With the boom in businesses, economic development and infrastructural advancements growing day by day in Kochi, it is no wonder that the city is among the fastest growing and most promising cities in the country and in the world at large.
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Why do you need to hire a Product Manager for your startup?

Do you dream of your startup functioning with clockwork precision? Do you think you can handle all the activities including planning, scheduling, management and implementation single-handedly?
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Top Mobile Games Made in India

Ever since its introduction, mobile gaming has become one of the most consistently growing industries in the Indian market.
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App Security Checklist

It is extremely important to take note of certain security mechanisms that should be implemented as a security policy while developing any application.
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Mobile App Security: How to Make Sure that Your App is Safe for Users

One of the most vital aspects that users look for in any app, be it gaming, finance, shopping or entertainment, would be the effectiveness and extent of its security features.
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Best payment gateways for Flutter apps in India

The mark of a good online shopping app is having a safe and secure payment gateway integration. Having a good payment gateway integrated to your online shopping app can make or break your business.
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Which are the Top Mobile App Analytics Tools in Flutter?

Launching your mobile app is only half the battle. With millions of mobile applications launched every year, all are fighting for a piece of the pie.
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Top Fantasy Sports Apps in India

In this post, we will discuss the top 10 fantasy sports apps available in India, and if you are looking to convert your idea into a reality, we are here to help you.
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Top Online Learning Apps in India

Online learning apps in India are, however, helping students overcome the problems and are revolutionizing education. Students are able to learn from anywhere, and parents are left a little less stressed.
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Advantages of Serverless Architecture

Finding ample storage and infrastructure facilities are cumbersome processes for any business. The fast dwindling storage resources have prompted businesses to take their data and infrastructure online,
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Top 10 Startups in Hyderabad

As per the most recent Global Start-up Ecosystem Report (GSER), Telangana’s name figures in the ‘Top 20 Asian Ecosystems’ in terms of funding.
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Top OTT Platforms in India

In India, OTT platforms have seen tremendous growth over the past few years and especially during the pandemic. Having said that, here are the top 10 OTT platforms in India.
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How New Auto Debit Rules For RBI Works

Online payments and OTT applications have forayed into the mainstream life of people within a short span of its introduction.
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What is an OTT Platform

OTT platform offers a practical and more flexible solution as users can access content through a device of their choice, not just the TV.
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How to Calculate the Server Cost for My Mobile Application?

What is the server cost for a mobile app? Get a realistic estimate of your project specifications with Zartek. Let us discuss these factors in detail.
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What is Glassmorphism UI design?

What is one of the most important parts of a mobile app development as far as the end-user is concerned? It would undoubtedly be UI or User Interface design.
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How to Build Your Own E-learning Platform?

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. One of the very famous quotes by Malcolm X, who advised his fellow African Americans to defend themselves against white violence by all necessary means.
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Top 10 Startups in Coimbatore

Once famous for its daring entrepreneurs, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu is, however, setting up its own start-up ecosystem with accelerators and mentors.
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Reasons Why You Choose an E-learning Platform

E-learning is the new learning. As classrooms expand beyond its four walls across geographical boundaries, e-learning empowers students across the world to get uninterrupted access to education.
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Top Startups in Pune

As a major IT and automotive industry hub in India, Pune is one of the most favored destinations for investments. Read more about top 10 startups in Pune.
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Startup ideas in Kerala - How to build a startup in Kerala?

We are in an age where entrepreneurship is booming and how. There is a distinct increase in the number of startups and entrepreneurs all around the world who crave to leave their indelible mark.
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Is WazirX Safe and Legal?

In India, the term WazirX is synonymous with cryptocurrency despite the fact that the two are different, though related. If you are a crypto enthusiast or wish to embark on an exciting journey with digital currency in India, you should be aware of WazirX.
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What is NFT And How Does it Work

What is NFT and how does it work might be one of the questions you have surely heard if you are a millennial investor or a crypto enthusiast.
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How Zartek Develop & Launch Applications

Launching an app is not easy, but it's not as difficult as you might think. If you are curious about our app development process, check out how we manage the project right from getting the Planning to the Launch.
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Best Tools for Mobile App UI Design for Beginners

In 2018, 205.4 billion mobile apps were downloaded worldwide, and that number is predicted to reach 258.2 billion by 2022. The primary reason why consumers choose mobile over desktop is because of mobile applications.
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Top Startups in Kerala

"What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone. Know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed" rightly stated Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's.
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Do you need an iOS version of your app in India?

As it is the mobile era, the number of smartphone users outweighs desktop users. Businesses has adapted to smartphones to attract more users.
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What is Clubhouse and Why is it Suddenly so Popular

If you are an internet-savvy person who keeps track of the latest trends and technologies, you might have surely heard the word ‘Clubhouse’.
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How Online Consulting is Changing the Medical Industry

When the people-driven fight got united with advanced technology, TELEMEDICINE has garnered global attention during these pandemic days.
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Best Backend Technologies for Mobile Apps

If you are new to mobile app development with minimum technical knowledge, find the best backend technologies for mobile apps in this article.
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Top 5 Mobile Game Development Technologies

A good game will make you an addict in seconds. Let's analyze the top 5 mobile game development technologies adopted by development companies.
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Is Dream 11 Legal? Easy Steps to Make a Gaming App that can Earn Money

Sports enthusiasts are familiar with Dream 11 ever since its launch. Let's have a detailed look at common sports betting and its legal side.
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Mobile App Development Trends To Watch In 2021

Discover the trends that the mobile app development sector is adopting in 2021 that will help you succeed in this changing economy.
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How to build a tech company without a tech team

If you are a non-techie person, will you be able to launch a tech company? Let’s find out how to build a tech company without a tech team!!
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Outsourcing vs own team vs hybrid model - Which is the best for your startup

When it comes to building a product, many ask this question - In house or outsource? Let's check the pros and cons of both that work for you.
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How Much it Costs to develop Video Streaming Mobile App like Netflix, Hotstar and Amazon Prime

Transforming every home into a cinema, the video streaming apps have brought in a massive change. Let’s look at OTT development costs.
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Why a hybrid mobile app can be a good idea for your business

If you are considering launching a mobile app for your business, you should know why a hybrid mobile app is a good idea for your business.
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Why people need to stop obsessing over UI design

It's high time to consider the user experience of a product rather than the design. Let's have a detailed look at this.
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